It’s no secret that us men just don’t often enough take care of ourselves.  We often don’t take the time to visit our doctor for an annual physical, or take the time to schedule annual screenings for diseases that can especially affect men.  Nor do we consider paying attention to the healthy lifestyle tips that could help prevent devastating illness or disease later in life.  And many studies show that men, on average as compared to women, take much less time out of each day connecting with their spiritual dimension through prayer or meditation, or some other spiritual conscious raising activity.

In order to remain a good father, or a great husband, or a productive employee, or successful business owner or professional, we need to stay healthy in mind, body and spirit.  That means placing a priority on the things that can contribute to our health and wellness and prevent sickness, and disease.  Too many times we count ourselves among the mighty and invincible, and the strong and able bodied, never considering that we could fall quickly into the realm of the sick, fragile and dependent.  Following some simple healthy lifestyle tips and taking the time to care for ourselves can certainly keep us all happier and healthier and keep those who love us even happier.

In this month’s Vitality “Health Notes” you’ll find a few simple steps you can take to get on the road to better health and well-being.

Here’ a few to just get you started:

  1. Schedule your annual physical with your doctor today.
  2. Set up your high-risk screenings for prostate, skin, and colorectal cancer as requested by your doctor.
  3. When outside, whether on the job, working on the lawn or in the garden, or enjoying a round of golf, ALWAYS wear sun screen.
  4. Watch you diet – lower your salt intake, lessen your daily calories, reduce your fat intake and sugars, and go easy on the alcohol. (This will help you lose those extra pounds and keep your heart healthy.)
  5. Get out and exercise regularly.  Take a walk, ride a bike, or go to the gym.
  6. Spend some quiet time every day in prayer or meditation.  Get in touch with your spiritual self.
  7. Relax more.  Play more with the kids.  Enjoy life.

Sounds reasonable?  Pretty simple? Now just do it!  You’ll be amazed at how much better you’ll feel.

Stay well and God bless.
Deacon Jerry