Spring 2024 | Sleep is Essential to our Health!

Proper sleep is a key ingredient for overall health, wellbeing and success in life. This is mainly because sleep helps to regulate many systems in the body, including hormones, immunity, emotional wellbeing and some chronic diseases.  Understanding the connection between the quality of our sleep and our ability to function during the day is essential.

Sleeping allows our bodies to reset and recover from the day before. Frequently when a person has a poor night’s sleep they find they are irritable and can have increased hunger and fatigue the following day. This is because the hormones in our body have not had a chance to reset. The body’s ability to reset while we sleep at night is what allows a person to begin each day refreshed. Poor sleep not only impacts our hormones but it can take a mental toll on our emotions and put a person at higher risk for falls. Prolonged inadequate sleep can also lead to more serious health conditions such as heart attack or stroke.

There are many different reasons a person does not have a good night’s sleep. A disruption in routine, side effects from a medication, increased anxiety and other mental health issues can all be potential causes of insufficient sleep. Health conditions such as obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) or heart disease can also be a cause of poor sleep. If a person finds they are more tired during the day or feeling as though they need to lay down frequently for naps, it’s important they reach out to their provider for further evaluation. Feeling tired during the day can be the result of inadequate sleep or a sign of another possible health condition.

All adults need approximately 7-9 hours of sleep per night however as a person ages, the quality of this sleep may change. As a person ages, they may notice that it takes longer to fall and stay asleep for long periods of time. It’s common for someone to wake up during the night however if they are not able to easily fall back to sleep that can be concerning. One rule to follow is that if you awaken during the night and after 20 minutes still aren’t able to fall back to sleep, get up and do something relaxing. It can help you to settle back down and fall asleep sooner. If the interrupted sleep continues to occur, consider reaching out to your provider to discuss possible causes.

While having quality sleep is essential, it’s also important that a person set themselves up for successful sleep. Therefore, developing good sleep habits are important.

  • Try to keep the bedroom as a place for sleeping only.
  • Limit foods and drinks that contain caffeine before bedtime and avoid eating large meals right before bedtime.
  • Participate in activities that interest you or bring you joy during your day.
  • Establish a set routine for bedtime.
  • Limit electronic devices such as laptops, tablets, phones and television before bedtime.
  • Do your best to get outside and be active each day.
  • Limit naps in the late afternoon or evening.
  • Set the temperature in the bedroom to something comfortable, not too warm or cold.

As sleep is an essential part of our overall wellbeing, it’s important everyone do their best to get quality sleep each night. If you find you are struggling to accomplish this, consider reaching out to your provider.

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